Caitlin mathes – French songs from poulenc to piaf

Sunday, June 23, 7-9pm

Caitlin Mathes is a maker/ performer based in Ithaca, NY. After winning the 2011 Lotte Lenya Competition (Kurt Weill Foundation), this singer-actress has been creating characters on the operatic stage, and making memorable evenings in the cabaret world. Some of her past shows have included Wild Weill’d West (a western themed Kurt Weill show) and Une Fleur Pas Mal (Baudelaire texts set to music by Léo Ferré.) 

She will be accompanied by Louka Patenaude on guitar and Avedis Manoogian on grand piano. The concert will feature song by Satie, Poulenc, Debussy, and popular French songs. Suggested donation $10.