A place to make music.
Inspired By A Passion For Music
Muso is a place to support, develop, and foster local acoustic musicians and music groups of various genres, and to share the joy of making music.

A Home for Music

At Muso, music is our focus.

MUSO is a 1700 square foot facility designed specifically for acoustic string musicians: you’ll find comfortable armless chairs, good lighting, thoughtful acoustic design, music and instrument stands, healthy drinks and snacks, a music library, and a roomy stage for performances. You’ll even find a vending machine stocked with musician’s supplies.

It is a space where acoustic groups meet weekly, regular intimate concerts occur, a rotating schedule of music classes, symposiums and workshops are offered, and we offer an affordable space for individual and small acoustic groups to book for rehearsal and practice. 

Muso is currently hosting:

  • A weekly Madison Song Circle

  • Two monthly Irish sessions

  • A monthly Old Time jam

  • A monthly Madison Handpan Meetup

  • A monthly Ukulele Lunch group

  • Monthly Themed Open Jams

  • Monthly Sea Shanty Sings

  • A monthly Open Mic (You’re going to sound fantastic on our Ear Trumpet Labs mics!) 

  • A variety of workshops, classes, lessons, and shows.

Check our schedule at the bottom of the page for more information!


There are fantastic acoustic musicians and musical groups all over the Madison, WI area. A great challenge for many is finding a place to gather and play regularly. Cafes, restaurants and bars are often noisy spaces with lots of distractions that compete with un-amplified acoustic instruments and singers. Food and alcohol consumption and conversation are the primary focus of these venues, relegating music making to a supporting role. Playing in private residences is an alternative, but lack of size, potential conflicts with family members and neighbors, and the commitment of having regular rehearsals make them challenging.

Think of Muso as your musical clubhouse. A place to hang out with other musicians and people who love and appreciate music, a place to hone your craft and expand your musical horizons, a place to experience the personal growth and healing that comes with the regular practice of music.

Help Make musical dreams come true

Muso is a privately funded effort to support local music and musicians.  Membership supports everything we do at Muso – hosting community music, space for recitals, concerts, workshops and other events. Your membership helps keep our doors open and the music flowing! Membership will entitle you to discounts for shows, workshops, classes, and events at Muso. Follow the link below to become a member today.